Category - Dog Safety
Summertime Fun & Safety by Cherie Mallory
Posted On: August 12, 2021 | Categorized In: Dog Safety, Fun

Summer is the time of year people love most because they get to spend outside with their dogs. Summertime is when you hit the beach, grill in the backyard, and take long strolls in the park. This is extremely enjoyable and an excellent way to help your fur friend expend its built-up energy, but please […]
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Fireworks and your Dog – by Cherie Mallory
Posted On: June 30, 2021 | Categorized In: Dog Safety

Does your dog cower at the sound of thunder? If so, it is highly likely that they won’t like fireworks much either. Dogs’ ears are extremely sensitive, which helps them know when danger is near. Here are some ways to help your dog relax when it comes time for the fireworks to come out. Keep […]
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Dog Proof Your Balcony – Written by Cherie Mallory
Posted On: May 14, 2021 | Categorized In: Dog Safety

High rises are popping up all over big cities and are a trendy place to live close to people’s jobs and many different venues. Living in a high rise does not mean that you cannot enjoy the company of your favorite pup. Many of these high rises have balconies, and even though not safe […]