Fantasy Friday Daycare Saga By Shelby Solcher – Episode 3

Fantasy Friday is here again!
Let’s recap, shall we?! Last week, Fairy Godmother Ava cancelled out Wizard Alfred’s peanut butter spell, allowing Prince Sam and Commander Murphy to forge ahead on their journey to rescue the gorgeous Princess Annie P., while distracting the fire-breathing dragon Twilight. The Zombies are coming out of their hiding spaces, and helping Twilight protect the princess…will Sam and his troupe be able to rescue her?!
Here we go again! Prince Sam sent word back to the village requesting a special ally to join the rescue mission, and here arrives Myles, the Extinguisher! With his tongue so long, he can lick out the flames from the fierce dragon, clearing a path for Sam to get closer to his Princess! From the summons, came Bonnie, the hypnotist, armed with stories to lull the dragon into a peaceful slumber! As Bonnie reads fairytales to Twilight, Sam gets closer to meeting his girl, Alfred the Wizard is plotting a spell to manifested the terrifying Vacuum, Stetson, who will frighten the souls of all attempting to enter the Princess’s pristine chamber. Armed with a treat Siphoning super power, and a cord long enough to make a maze for the trespassers! And how does Sam combat these obstacles?!? Come back next Friday to find out!
Next week on Fantasy Friday:
As the zombie threat grows, will the mystery weapon forger be able to create something powerful enough to quell the threat? Will Princess Annie’s companion come out of the shadows and join the puppers on their quest? Will I stop asking questions that won’t be answered until next week? Find out next time on Fantasy Friday!