Preventative Measures to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer by Cherie Mallory

June 12, 2021

We all love to be outside with our furry companions when the weather starts to warm up during the summer. It is essential to realize that it is a lot easier for them to get overheated than we do. Here are a few simple tips to prevent your dog from overheating:

Vet Check

It is always important to check in with your vet before spring and summer hit. The reason is that fleas, ticks, and heartworms run rampant during this time. By checking in with your vet ahead of time, you can prevent these from happening. They will also be able to tell you, according to your breed, how to keep your pet safe and healthy during those hot months.

Happily Hydrated

Anytime it is hot or humid outside, be sure to bring water with you when out for a walk. Just as it is vital to keep yourself hydrated during these hot months; it is just as important to keep your furry friend hydrated.

Flat Faces

Breeds like pugs and bulldogs have a much harder time in the heat than other breeds. During the summer months, they must be kept inside where it is cooler as much as possible.

Hot Concrete

When temperatures are hot, do you walk around barefoot on concrete? Probably not. You would burn your feet. Well, you should also keep this in mind with your dog. Not only are their bodies closer to the ground and can heat up quickly, but their paw pads can burn. Try walking your dog during a time of day when it isn’t so warm outside or keep them in a grassy area.


Suppose you have a long-haired dog breed you want to be sure not to mistake shaving them during the summer. The layers of hair in these breeds protect them from overheating and sunburn. Instead, help them out by brushing them often.

Signs of Heatstroke

If your dog is suffering from a heat stroke, you are going to need to act quickly. This is b/c heatstroke can cause permanent brain and organ damage, and if left untreated, coma and death. You will want to call your vet immediately and start cooling your dog down by soaking them in lukewarm water and offering them cool fluids. Remember never to place your dog in an ice bath as it will slow the blood flow and not allow your dog to cool off as fast. Listed below are what to look for if your dog is having a heatstroke:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Chest expanding quickly
  • Looks drunk or disoriented
  • Panting loudly
  • Bleeding
  • Fever
  • Odd gum and tongue color
  • Collapse

Remember, during hot summer months, you want to make sure to keep your pet safe from the heat, and you can take a lot of the preventative measures above to do so. Be sure to check in with your vet regarding your breed of dog needs, try not to keep them outside during the hottest parts of the day, and when you are out, take lots of breaks. This especially goes for owners with working-class breeds. They will run and play till they collapse, never knowing they are getting overheated.