Category - Fun
Summertime Fun & Safety by Cherie Mallory
Posted On: August 12, 2021 | Categorized In: Dog Safety, Fun

Summer is the time of year people love most because they get to spend outside with their dogs. Summertime is when you hit the beach, grill in the backyard, and take long strolls in the park. This is extremely enjoyable and an excellent way to help your fur friend expend its built-up energy, but please […]
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Posted On: June 28, 2021 | Categorized In: Fun

I meet your pup. I fall in love with your pup. I get to know you. I share your daily struggles, going to work and after your day is done. I know your loves, your dislikes, your struggles, your happy times and your sad times. I listen to you boast with pride and I am […]
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A Poem About Jackson’s Place
Posted On: July 15, 2018 | Categorized In: Fun

Welcome back to Jackson’s Place, we’re open every day We’re the home away from home where your puppies come to play We greet you in the morning with a “hello!” and a smile And, with a kiss goodbye, they leave to go play for a while The day starts with a trip outside where they […]
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A Valentine Visit from K9 Deputy Violet
Posted On: March 14, 2018 | Categorized In: Fun

One of the many things we specialize in at Jackson’s Place is our bakery filled with dog goodies and treats. Deb puts a lot of thought into everything we keep stocked and baked, and the holidays get an extra dose of care and consideration. Most of our bakery sales revolve around birthdays but the holidays […]
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A Look Behind the Curtain at Jackson’s Place
Posted On: February 26, 2018 | Categorized In: Fun

I’m sure you’ve wondered what exactly your dog’s day looks like from when they come running in, tails wagging, ready to play with their buddies, to when they come out so happy to see you and ready for a good night of sleep. The aim of this blog is to give you a look behind […]